My previous Naish bars would last way longer than this, made me wonder if there is a problem with my bar hole creating excessive wear on the trim-line. I inspected it and the edge at top of the hole appears sharp, like it wasn't smoothed out. Are these bars supposed to be like this ??? I'm going to try smoothing out the bar myself with a Dremel, so the next trimline I put in there will last longer, any suggestions on ..... We have a vacation home in Springfield Or. ...
... direktor Slovenske turistične organizacije Dimitrij Piciga, direktor Zavoda za turizem Maribor Milan Razdevšek, dobitniki priznanja EDEN 2009 in vodje predstavništev STO v tujini; bHotel/b Habakuk, kristalna dvorana, Pohorska 59, MARIBOR ... dan odprtih vrat mejnega prehoda Petišovci, na katerem bodo med drugim predstavili delo carine in policije na zunanji meji EU in opremo, ki jo policisti in cariniki uporabljajo pri delu; mejni prehod Petišovci, bTrimlini/b 72, LENDAVA ...